Monday, December 8, 2008

Hello, world


Why yet another blog from the left? For a whole host of reasons. I wanted a place I felt more comfortable saying what I think than in my beloved LiveJournal, although I have no intention of abandoning my permanent account there. Because I've been paying close attention to the media and politics since the primaries and I needed a forum of my own.

Because you get far enough on the left, you hit anti-zionism/anti-semitism and I've been hitting that place more than I'd like lately.

I support Israel's right to exist as a state and as a nation. I don't always support what its government does, but I think the world is a better place for having it exist. And I very much believe that if it ceased to exist, if there was no longer a Jewish state in that part of the world, that would bring disaster to the area. I think it would be disastrous for the Palestinians, for that matter.

I think that the US's support for Israel acts in its own best interest. And I know the US government knows this. The Jewish vote is important - we're 1.3% of the population, but we darn well VOTE. But there are better reasons, and reasons that have nothing to do with wanting the Christian messiah figure to return.

And I've seen people on leftwing blogs say, straight out, "The US should stop supporting Israel." I'm not sure what they think the result of that would be.

Also, I'd like a place to grouse about the time of year without harshing someone's squee. I really don't want to do that. I just get tired of being othered.

I'll probably also talk about knitting and cooking, and I'll certainly bring up size acceptance and religion. And what I think about current US politics - that more than anything.


Jo Gerrard said...

I would like to not Other you during my holidailies posts, but I'm afraid I don't know much about Jewish - particularly Orthodox - traditions. I hope you will let me know if I do this, however inadvertently.

Deb said...

Speaking only for myself - Jewish customs are very particular. Chanukah celebrates a specific instance in Jewish history, for example. For others to observe it would be like the British observing the Fourth of July.

Unknown said...

If you are interested in other left-wing, pro-Israel, Orthodox blogs, you might like South Jerusalem.

I've been reading it for a few months now, and while I often disagree with it, it's interesting and a perspective you don't see that often.

Also, the fellows who write it, in addition to being professional writers and translators, are also members of the shul my parents go to when they're in Jerusalem.